Thursday, October 30, 2014

“মুমিন ফিকাহবিদগন ইসলামের দুর্গ” –হাদীস

ইসলামকে রক্ষা করা একটি অতীব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ও নিঃশর্ত কর্তব্য। কোন শর্ত বা দ্বিধাদ্বন্দ্ব ছাড়াই এই কর্তব্য পালন করতে হবে।

এই দ্বায়িত্ব পালন করার জন্য সকল কর্তৃপক্ষ, জনসমষ্টি এবং দ্বিনী জ্ঞান চর্চার প্রতিষ্ঠান ও সংগঠনকে অবশ্যই গভীর ও ব্যাপক চিন্তা-ভাবনা করতে হবে। এজন্য নিজেকে সকল দিক দিয়ে প্রস্তুত করতে হবে। ইসলাম সংরক্ষণ কাজে প্রয়োজনীয় প্রস্তুতি ও আয়োজন গ্রহন করতে হবে।

ইসলামের বিশ্বাস, কর্তৃপক্ষ, সংস্থা, ব্যাবস্থাপনা, আইন-বিধানকে রক্ষা করতে হবে – যেমন করে খোদ রাসুল করীম (সাঃ) করেছেন। ...

এখনতো গোটা ইসলামই প্রায় অপরিচিত হয়ে পড়েছে – শুধু নামটাই বাকী আছে। ক্বোরাণ উল্লেখিত অপরাধের দন্ডসমূহ এখন উপেক্ষিত। ক্বোরাণ উল্লেখিত সে সব দন্ডের করা আয়াত হিসাবে পাঠ করা হয় বটে – কিন্তু এই পাঠ করা ছাড়া আর কোন কার্যকারিতাই অবশিষ্ট রাখা হয়নি। আমরা এখন ক্বোরাণ পাঠ করি প্রতিটি হরফের মাখরাজ ঠিকভাবে আদায় করার জন্য – যেন উচ্চারণে ভুল না করি সেজন্য গুরুত্ব দেয়া হচ্ছে। কিন্তু সামাজিক জীবনের বাস্তব বিপর্যয়, সারা দেশে সরকারী পৃষ্ঠপোষকতায় বা সরকারের চোখ-কানের নিকটেই সরকারী কর্মচারীদের আনুকুল্যে যাবতীয় পাপ ও চরিত্র ধ্বংসকারী কার্যাবলী ব্যাপকভাবে সংঘটিত হচ্ছে, পাপ পংকে নিমজ্জিত গোটা সমাজের জনগণ – সেদিকে আমাদের ভ্রুক্ষেপ নেই।  শুধু তাই নয়, সে জন্য আমাদের যা কোন দায়িত্ব আছে – তাও আমরা চিন্তা করি না, চিন্তা করার প্রয়োজনও মনে করি না।  আমরা ক্বোরাণের আয়াতটি পড়ে শুধু  এতটুকুই মনে করি যে অপরাধের শাস্তির বিধান ক্বোরাণে আছে – কিন্তু সে বিধান কার্যকর করার জন্য আমাদের করণীয় নিয়ে ভাবিনা।

এখন প্রশ্ন হল, রাসুল করীম (সাঃ) কি ক্বোরাণে বর্ণীত বিধিবিধান সম্পর্কিত আয়াতসমূহ কি শুধু সুন্দরভাবে তেলাওয়াত করেই তাঁর দ্বায়িত্ব  শেষ করেছেন, না কি এগুলো বাস্তবায়িত করার, কার্যকর করার ব্যাবস্থা গ্রহন করেছেন? রাসুলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) এর খলীফাগণ কি শরীয়তের হুকুম-আহকাম লোকেদের মধ্যে শুধু পৌঁছিয়ে দিয়েই দ্বায়িত্ব শেষ করেছেন, না কি তা কার্যকর করেছেন?  ...

ইসলাম তো দুনিয়ায় এসেছে ন্যায়বাদী সুবিচারক সরকারের মাধ্যমে সমাজকে সুসংবদ্ধ, দোষমুক্ত ও সুসংগঠিত করার জন্য। আর ইসলামি সরকারের পক্ষেই তা করা সম্ভব। আমরা (আলেম ও ফিকীহরা) ইসলাম সংরক্ষণের জন্য বিশেষভাবে দ্বায়িত্বশীল।  এটা অতীব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কর্তব্য।  নামাজ ও রোজার তুলনায় এর গুরুত্ব মোটেই কম নয়। এ এমন একটি মহান কর্তব্য যা পালনের জন্য ইতিহাসে বহু পবিত্র রক্ত প্রবাহিত হয়েছে। ইমাম হুসাইন (রাঃ) এর রক্তের চেয়েও কি আমার-আপনার রক্ত বেশী মূল্যবান? তাঁর রক্তই তো প্রবাহিত হয়েছে ইসলামের পথে, কেবল ইসলাম রক্ষার্থে।

এই কথাটির তাৎপর্য আমাদের খুব ভালভাবে অনুধাবন করা উচিত।  আমরা রাসুলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) এর উত্তরাধিকারি হতে পারব, তাঁর খলিফা হতে পারব যখন নিজেরা ইসলামকে আসল রূপে বুঝব এবং জনসাধারণকে বুঝাবো। 

একথা বলা উচিৎ হবে না যে, ইমাম মাহাদী (আঃ) না আসা পর্যন্ত আমরা একাজ (ইসলামী সরকার গঠন) করব না। আমরা কি তাঁর (অর্থাৎ ইমাম মাহাদী আঃ এর) অপেক্ষায় নামাজ পড়ার কাজ ছেড়ে দিয়েছি?

এরূপ কথা বলাও সম্পূর্ণ অবাঞ্ছীত – যেমন কেউ কেউ বলে থাকেন যে, পাপের ব্যাপক প্রচলন হোক, তা’ হলেই তো ইমাম মাহাদী (আঃ)এর আগমন আসন্ন হবে। তার অর্থ তারা বলতে চান যে, পাপের ব্যাপক বিস্তার না হওয়া পর্যন্ত ইমাম মাহাদী (আঃ) এর আগমন সংঘটিত হবে না।  একথা খুবই অবাঞ্ছনীয়।  ... ইসলামের সমস্ত বিধি-বিধান অধ্যায়নে আমাদের গভীরভাবে মনোনিবেশ করা কর্তব্য। ইসলামের প্রকৃত রূপ জনগনের সামনে তুলে ধরুন।  এ বিষয়ে লেখনী চালনা করুন। চতুর্দিকে তা প্রচার করে দিন। আল্লাহর মর্জী হলে তা জনগনের উপর ব্যাপক প্রভাব বিস্তার করবে।

 - বিলায়েতে ফকীহ, ইরাকের নজফে নির্বাসিত থাকা কালে ওলামায়ে কিরাম ও মাদ্রাসা ছাত্রদের উদ্দেশ্যে ইমাম খোমেনির বক্তৃতা থেকে নির্বাচিত উদ্ধৃতি।

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Religious Diplomacy Speech (UNESCO, Paris) -By Rabbi Ben Abrahamson, Director at Committee for Historical Research in Islam and Judaism

Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics
Religious Diplomacy Speech (UNESCO, Paris)
A Global Summit
Co-sponsored by the
Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics
And Amitié Judéo-Musulmane de France
In Cooperation with Alsadiqin



Religious Diplomacy Speech (UNESCO, Paris)

Rabbi Ben Abrahamson
Director at Committee for Historical Research in Islam and Judaism

Your Excellencies, Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Ben Abrahamson and I am the director and founder of the Al Sadiqin organization which does historical research into Islam and Judiasm. Al Sadiqin provides material for religious scholars, courts and politicians that are involved in cultural and religious diplomacy.

By the term religious diplomacy we don't mean using diplomacy to handle religious conflicts, but rather increasing the visibility of religious and cultural leaders in the diplomatic process.

Echoing what the former Foreign Minister of Turkey said just now, I note that Religious Affairs Directorate Deputy Chairman for Foreign Relations, Mehmet Gormez, noted that religious diplomacy will continue to play an effective role in the way international relations take shape. He said: "Religion has always been a factor that affects international relations. We see that throughout history religion was a factor both in the founding of states and in their dissolution process. Today the impact of religion in international relations is becoming increasingly more valuable, and we will see it peak in the future." Religious diplomacy was credited by the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy, for Christians and Muslims reach out to each other in Sudan; in assisting in the release of Korean captives by the Taliban; and what could be termed "high-level Abrahamic" dialogue between the US and Iran. As the deputy minister eloquantly explained, Kosovo has seen very positive results by stressing religious diplomacy in its diplomatic efforts. Perhaps an example of this is the bottom up approach with Iraq and Afghanistan, where religious communities leaders systematically approached first. In Turkey, observant people are using any excuse to seek reconciliation with communities in Turkey's Southeast region.

Mutual respect is the starting point of any dialogue

Main point===

Dispelling stereotypes and misunderstandings are another key factor.

One of these mistaken ideas is that religious tolerance and universal human rights are a strictly non-religious, or at least religiously skeptical idea. That sincere and devout religion is the problem and will take farther from a solution. In fact we find in the very foundations of our modern society that from the Early modern Christians in the West to the Ottomans, we find deeply religious people arguing in favor of religious toleration, and doing so on religious grounds.

Dutch Statesman Hugo Grotius "[in any nation] there always lived some Strangers [upstanding citizens unfamiliar with local custom and law] in the Hebrew, hasidei ummot,These, as the Hebrew Rabbins say, were obliged to keep the [universal] Precepts given to Adam and Noah". James Harrington and Thomas Hobbes saw the Noahide Law not as applying to foreigners in the Commonwealth but universally to all citizens, as the law "that which God hath declared to all men by His eternall word borne with them, to wit, their naturall Reason." .

In the Qur'an this message is reinforced:

To each among you have we prescribed a Shariah (law) and Minhaj (custom). If Allah had so willed, He could have made you a single Ummah (faith community), but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah; it is He that will show you the truth about the matters in which you are different; (Surat Al Maeda 5,48)

"To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things." (Surat Al Baqara 2.148)

To every people (was sent) an Law Giver: when their Law Giver comes (before them) the matter will be judged between them with justice and they will not be wronged. (Surat Al-Yunus 10,47)

The Torah teaches this in describing the circles of believers:

Psalm 115:9-12 says "O Israel, trust thou in the LORD: He is their help and their shield. O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD: He is their help and their shield. You that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: He is their help and their shield."

Rabbinic commentary says that Jethro (Shu-ayb) was a "Bnei Noah" (righteous non-Jew). The "Children of Jethro" were "God fearers" also called "Kenites". Targum Onkelos always translates "Kenites" as Salamai or Muslamai. In this verse we have three circles. The Children of Aaron (the priesthood), the Children of Israel and the God-fearers / Muslamai

Until here ===

We see the European Union under stress because it does not know how to make active and sincere faith to foster a liberal sense of unity. On the other hand a Union in the middle east, led by Turkey, including Israel and other sovereign states, with open economic borders could succeed in by incorporating scriptural moral values in a way that no other grouping of nation states could.

When conflicts have a significant religious component to them, it is a mistake to treat them strictly in terms of territory or economic interest. Perhaps one example is the perception of the "East-West divide" since the 1950's as a conflict due to significant regional differences. In the beginning there was talk of an eastern bloc and communism. But since the cold war, the terminology has been replaced with "Islam and the West." Some people served this process by developing an ideological opposition to the other side. Even the term "Muslim world" reinforced this perception. But this thinking is alien to religious thought, because the entire world is God's and Islamic Deen / Noahide Law / Natural Law testify to the universality of religion. And it is precisely this universality of basic belief that allows for tolerance in diverging forms of religion. If we can see minorities not as imperfections, but rather communities under a different covenant, an older covenant, or on a different path that will lead them to the same place, we can go beyond tolerance, and move on to acceptance, recognition and even support of our mutual interests.

"O Mankind! We created you from one male and one female, and made you into different nations and tribes only so you may know (lita'arafu) each other. Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is the one who is most righteous. Truly God has complete knowledge of all things, and is fully aware." (Surat al-Hujurat 49:13)

The word "lita'arafu" has the connotation of to acknowledge and recognize, and is related to the root "bil-ma'rufi" which means to be fair, honorable and in kind manner. Minorities are at the top of the most critical factors that makes religious diplomacy effective in international relations.


When we compare the Islamic and Jewish calendars, we seen that the Islamic calendar has Ras Hasana and the Jewish calendar has Rosh Hashana. Ten days later the Islamic calendar has Ashura and the Jewish calendar has Yom Kippur. If you count six months later, the Islamic calendar has Lailat al Baraat (Night of Emancipation) and the Jewish calendar has Passover. Afterwards the Islamic calendar has Ramadan and the Jewish calendar has Sefirat HaOmer. This is the time during which the barley offering ('Omer in hebrew) would be brought to the Temple as an offering. It is a period of seven weeks between the holidays of Passover and Pentacost. After the Temple was destroyed, the barley offering could no longer be offered, so this period became a time of mourning. Sephardic Jewish families begin the period of mourning during the month of Iyyar and continue for thirty-three days until the third of Sivan. No weddings are allowed, mourning customs are observed, music is forbidden. Some Jews had the custom to fast during these days. In Rome fasting after Passover was forbidden on pain of death, so the fasting was moved before Passover and developed into what would be called "Lent".

Until here===

What has been used as a symbol of differentiation Ramadan, Sefirat HaOmer, Lent, when seen in the proper perspective is a source of a common shared narrative for Muslims, Christians and Jews.

I will close with the words of Qatada ibn al-Nu'man (ra) who sums up for me religious diplomacy in six words said "al-din wahid wa al-shari'ah mukhtalifah" (religion is one, the covenants are diverse). Which is in truth a paradigm for Religious Diplomacy: Respect, Recognition and Support

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Martyred President Saddam Hussein: Open Letter to the American People dated July 7, 2006

July 7, 2006

Saddam Hussein: Open Letter to the American People

Saddam Hussein’s defense lawyers have released a letter Saddam wrote while in prison to the American people. The following is a direct translation of that letter.

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving.

“And among the Believers are men who are true to that which they pledged to God. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge by death and some of them still are waiting and they have not altered in the least. That God may reward the true men for their truth and punish the hypocrites if He will, or relent towards them, for God is forgiving, merciful. And God repulsed the infidels for their wrath. They gained no good. God averted their attack from the Believers. God is strong, mighty.” [Qur’an 33:23-25].

To the American people:

Peace upon those who believe in peace and desire it, and the mercy of God and His blessings.

I address you in this letter from the place of my confinement, as my attempt on the basis of my moral, human, and constitutional responsibility so that no one among you might say that no one came to us with a message of peace after the war began, refuting the arguments for it and desiring peace for you and for our upright, loyal, heroic people. And as I say this, I do not know whether my brothers and comrades who are leading the Resistance outside the prison have come to you with a letter before or not. That is because the “democracy” of your leaders has prevented me since my arrest and until now from getting newspapers and magazines or hearing radio and television and has isolated me from the world and has isolated the world from me so that I might not hear or see anything from outside my place of confinement.

Is this the true face of democracy and human rights that they advocate outside America!? Or have your rulers lied about it? This includes the killing of people in prisons and jails, some of them by means of the pistols of the American investigators. Or has all of this along with other details that would turn an attentive person’s hair white been concealed from you by your officials such that you do not know the truth!?

Anyway, I address you with this letter of mine in the hope that it will reach you and that you will hear it or read it. And on the basis of my responsibility to bring the facts before people, whatever their color or nationality, for that is our duty to them, just as they have a duty to us not to accept evil.

I address you today as my attorney the eminent lawyer and Professor Ramsey Clark has asked that I write this letter of mine to you. Professor Ramsey has presented an excellent example of a humanitarian in his person and in his colleague Professor Curtis Dobler, both of whom left a positive personal impression on me. On this occasion I wish to salute their courage as they have volunteered for the task although they know the dangers that surround them in carrying out their duty, in particular after criminals have killed four of the defense attorneys.

People of America, it still seems to me that the officials in your government are still lying to you and are not giving you true explanations of the reasons that led them to embark on their aggression against Iraq. In what they have said about the reasons they have deceived, from the starting point, not only the international community, and in particular the European Community but also the peoples of America themselves, knowing beforehand that the facts were contrary to what they were declaring. Untrue is what they said, after their lies were exposed, about having been deceived by their intelligence agencies and by the stooges that they brought along to serve as their puppets in Iraq, just as old imperialism and the old empires of the 19th and 20th centuries used to do. What we are saying is based on many facts, the major ones being as follows:

1. The inspection teams – that came to Iraq in the name of the United Nations and carried out searches even of some private houses as well as government departments, presidential palaces and government documents – those teams knew that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction because most of the leading members in those teams were Americans and British and in addition they had spies and volunteers of other nationalities. Those teams searched Iraq piece by piece from one end to the other and never found any information contrary to what they and others were told by Iraqi government representatives. The inspections lasted for more than seven years. And in addition to the teams that traveled by car and on foot, they used spy planes, helicopters, and satellites in space. The American and English officials thought that this was their historic chance to strike Iraq and destroy its legitimate aspirations and the lofty cultural and scientific achievements made in the course of 35 years, making use of the information gathered by their spies in the inspection teams and making use of the so-called war on terror after the 11 September incident that struck America. They shuffled the cards to bring up the goals that they had already decided upon earlier, and these were not the goals that they publicly announced at the starting line.

It was their assessment that the unjust embargo had not destroyed Iraq’s will nor halted its legitimate aspirations to develop economically, culturally, scientifically, and as a civilization in the conditions of a new independence. They believed that Iraq had come close at that time to breaking the economic embargo as the result of the cooperation of those who cooperated with Iraq on the basis of mutual benefit and fraternal national feelings as far as the Arabs were concerned. The officials in your country thought that this was their chance to impose their will on the world by means of their control of the Middle East’s oil and its production and marketing in new ways and for new goals – those about which we spoke in and before the year 2003 – in addition to attaining one of their Zionist goals and winning support in the election. Iran and its lackeys played a dirty role in making aggression appear attractive and in facilitating its implementation.

2. The American officials did not withdraw from Iraq after they became hard pressed, but declared that the facts were contrary to what they had claimed before the invasion that took place in March and April of the year 2003. If they had been truthful when they claimed that they had been deceived as a result of the information they had been given and which they used as the cover for their invasion, and which they declared at the time was sufficient justification for the invasion – declaring at the time that it involved things that they said affected the security of the United States – then they would have withdrawn from Iraq after discovering that that information had been false. They would have apologized to the heroic Iraqi people, to the American people and to the people of the world for what they had done.

None of the Americans asked their government before the war how Iraq, a country that had still not emerged from backwardness, could threaten the security of a country like America across the Atlantic. And for that matter why would Iraq want to threaten America, which at that time had not violated the territory of Iraq. If the American officials wanted to promote the claim that Iraq’s threat was precisely involved in the opposing stances taken by Iraq and America over the Zionist occupation of the land of Palestine and other Arab land, it could be said that Iraq is not the only state that takes an opposing stance to that of America in regards to the issue, whether that be Arab states or other states in the world. Furthermore, who has authorized America to make the countries of the world tailor their policies to America’s measurements, and if they don’t oblige, then war should be waged against them? How can one understand America’s call for democracy if it does not permit a difference of opinion even in issues of a regional character, to say nothing of international ones?

Another lie was the claim of American officials that Iraq had links to what they called terrorism, although British Prime Minister Blair declared that Iraq does not have any ties to so-called terrorism and had no internationally prohibited weapons, forcing Bush to declare the same thing. Despite that, none of the important American personalities asked President Bush on what sort of rational analysis or what sort of realistic information this claim rested. Do you know, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, why they didn’t ask?

Because some of your prominent personalities are directed in what they do by hidden forces that distorted the image you received of Iraq’s positions. They had been laying the groundwork for years to facilitate aggression from the start. Therefore no one asked the American officials, for example, why no Iraqi took part in the events of 11 September!? And if the participation of individuals in the attack on American targets isn’t to be taken as proof of the involvement of any country in those events, then how do you accuse a state like Iraq, the features of whose political system are known, of so-called relations with terror? How can you consider this charge to be one of only two on the basis of which aggression was launched against the people of Iraq, destroying their property and achievements and bringing their lives under daily and direct threat?

Do you know, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, that I asked one of the American officials who talked with me perhaps two weeks after my arrest, just what was it that you based those false charges on? He said that as far as the weapons of mass destruction were concerned, “we didn’t have anything to confirm what you were saying.” And as for the links to terrorism, he said, because you, Saddam Hussein, did not send a letter of condolence to President Bush after the incident [of 11 September].

I smiled bitterly and told him: as regards your claim that you didn’t have confirmation of our statements, it seems that your officials lie and imagine that officials in countries around the world do not tell the truth, or that many of those who have relations with you in fact do not tell you the truth, neither when they oppose your policies nor when they agree with them. This is a dangerous matter, not only for the countries of the world but because they then pose a danger for America as well, if nobody in the world will tell America: ‘this is a mistake’ and ‘this is unacceptable’! And at that time when American planes were striking targets in Iraq and destroying public and private property, killing Iraqi citizens including women and children for no reason and imposing on Iraq their unjust embargo, prohibiting Iraq from importing even pencils for children to use in primary schools, what exactly is it that should obligate Saddam Hussein to send a telegram of condolences to the president of the state whose officials have committed all those crimes, unless it be out of hypocrisy and weakness? But because I am neither a hypocrite nor a weakling I didn’t send Bush a telegram of condolence. But I did agree on the telegram sent containing condolences in the name of the government of Iraq and sent by Comrade Tariq Aziz, the Deputy Prime Minister, to our friend Ramsey Clark and through him to the stricken families.

Are the great states so deluded as to imagine that whoever does not send a letter of condolence deserves that war should be waged against him, his country, and his people!? Here you see how the American officials used even your own blood to promote their reckless, aggressive policy. Is this the kind of morality that people should have? Or men? Or officials? There is nothing graver than for disasters to ravage people who have been stricken by delusions, committed wrongs, and wantonly despised the roles of others. The worst disease of the American officials who involved the Americans in war against Iraq is this.

3. After I was arrested they made vain attempts to use intimidation and threats against me. One of their generals conveyed that intimidation and host threats and tried to bargain with me, promising to let me live if I agreed to read in my own voice and sign a prepared announcement that was shown to me. That stupid announcement called on the people of Iraq and the courageous Resistance to lay down arms. They said that if I refused, my fate would be that I would be shot just like Mussolini, as my interlocutor put it. But, as you know me and would expect of me, I disdainfully refused, not even touching that dirty document with my hand and sullying myself with it. I told them if I were given the chance to address my people, I would call them to more resistance.

Seven days later, to reinforce themselves, they sent a group to talk with me. They said they were from an American University and that they wanted to engage me in a broad discussion. I agreed and I confirmed to them that Iraq didn’t have any of the things the American officials claimed and I advised them [the US] to leave Iraq quickly and apologize to the people, warning them that they were going to get what they now are facing and what they are now embroiled in – in fact, the fate I expect for them is worse than what they are facing now – and they will never have an adequate chance to pull their arms and equipment out of Iraq if the two halves of Iraq engulf them, and they will engulf them, God willing, because our people are deeply rooted and conscious. They know that our liberation can be clean and complete only with their unity, and that tolerance must be the basis for the orientations of our people within their ranks, and that wounds must be bound up, not ripped open.

I say, I told them all that at that time but they didn’t change their methods; they didn’t replace the keys of falsehood, and they are still knocking on the doors of wrong, failing to try the door of legitimacy, even though they now know. In this connection, attached to this letter are some verses from a long ode; a selection of 56 verses. [Not translated here.]

4. It is neither reasonable nor convincing that a country like America to which the doors of the intelligence agencies in the east and most of the countries of the west have been opened did not know the truth and could not know the truth. Although I am convinced and believe that many countries in the world have an interest in war or wars, she [the United States] does not have an interest in war even though she might believe she does. The contrary, in fact, is the case.

America is a big country on the other side of the Atlantic. It has developed a unique unparalleled power such that I think some people there imagine that it is on its way to attaining the crown of the world all for itself as a world empire. Have they not learned a lesson from their war in Viet Nam? The west used to promote the idea that world Communism and the Soviet bloc threatened their interests and also the security of the entire west. But despite that promotion, this was nothing but a flimsy cover. Nevertheless, America used it and wrapped itself in it until the heroic Vietnamese people expelled them by force.

As to their invasion of Iraq, it came in a situation that made the first step easy from the standpoint of the reaction of the international community because of the international balance of forces. But it came in a situation that might make it more costly that its war in Viet Nam. That is because when America was expelled from Viet Nam it did not lose its standing, or we might say it only lost a small part of its standing.
But when it is expelled and routed from Iraq, which has no great power to support it directly, it will lose the fundamental basis of its standing.

In fact it has now already lost the foundation for that standing and its reputation has begun to decay. It is no longer able to wield the big stick that it formerly threatened to use. It used to accomplish more by threatening to use force than by really using force. I will go further and say that after its war in Iraq, that stick no longer frightens many people and America has come to need the silence of the smallest and simplest countries and tries to please them in order to get them to stay quiet about America’s crimes and reckless, deviant policies.

Before, many of the world’s countries used to court the United States and most countries in the world, all except a few, used to fear her threats or parried them with defensive arguments. But now Mao Zedong of fond memory is laughing in his grave because his prediction has been fulfilled and America is a paper tiger. This is by the will of the Living Eternal God, and by His agents on earth, the heroic Mujahideen in glorious, virtuous, militant, jihadist Iraq. So God bless the heroic people of Iraq and God bless the jihad and the mujahideen.

Esteemed ladies and gentlemen of the peoples of America, the time has come to an end in which greatest and best-equipped armies could scatter the organized formations of the opposing army and thereby bring a war to a close. Now you see our courageous army, our heroic people, and our Mujahideen replacing the system of organized formations with a new kind of warfare. And when the Americans on the ground become targets in the vicinity of the guns of the revolutionaries, who attack them as deadly human bombs with nothing more than their bodies filled with faith in God, American superiority is worn down over time. In fact in the near future that superiority will become a burden whose equipment will be difficult to withdraw. So, will America trust the voice of rationality and logic that calls for the preservation of what still remains, or will Satan the deceiver and the hate-filled supporters of Zionism keep pushing the Americans until the waves swallow them and they sink to the depths of the raging sea?

Who, after all, appointed the American government to be the world policeman, to form the world in the mold that it likes, giving national orders to the countries of the world?

Saddam Hussein, ladies and gentlemen, is an honorable patriot and an honest man. He is a statesman resolute in implementing the law, just, but benevolent. He loves his people and his nation. He is straightforward, doesn’t double-cross or deceive. He speaks the truth even against himself. Do tyrants like Bush like such characteristics? If he were a person like De Gaulle or even like Reagan, perhaps he would understand them, or at least would not abhor them. But I must say to you that your country will discover more, esteemed ladies and gentlemen. It has lost his reputation and his standing. Indeed the American who used to travel around the world respected and safe and welcomed wherever he went, is now no longer able to step outside America without a mine detector. And the State Department issues warnings for you constantly about what world regions are dangerous to American lives.

It was American officials and their polices themselves that have created an atmosphere of anti-American hatred in the world by means of their arrogant behavior, their haughty aggressive attitude, their lack of respect for international law and the security of the world – including the security of my Arab Nation through their support for the Zionist entity in Palestine – and other world and human issues.

Today you are in a bad predicament with the world and nobody can rescue you but yourselves. If you reform, you will open for the world and for yourselves a new opportunity. But if you are heedless, that is your decision. What you need is free and fair competition and peace in order to have security.

The years that followed the 18th century had long gone when they came as invaders to the Middle East to bring back memories of things that awaken and arouse. The Middle East, and the Arab homeland in particular, was the cradle of prophets and messengers from God. Is the cradle of the prophets, where the prophets are buried in their tombs, also the home of devils and their mirror images – the malicious invaders?

We have believed, and our faith was suited to us, Then came the Zionists with a devil for a guide. They stormed in on us as invaders, unjust. The did not stop their advance nor sit still, Their diabolical patron has prepared their dilemma. But as for us, we have the Merciful God as Patron.

People of America, despite the crimes your government inflicted on our people, our Arab Nation and humanity, the people of Iraq – and I mean by that the Iraqis, not those with split loyalties who prefer to serve foreigners rather than their own people – I say the free people of Iraq even in their present circumstances are not thinking about their destiny alone but about the destiny of others wherever it’s possible to create a solution that treats a painful problem.

On this basis I said to some Americans when I was in my prison, why don’t you come to an agreement with the Resistance to designate a country with a charter and power to which the Resistance can hand over those American soldiers whom they capture, rather than executing them as currently is said to be taking place. In fact the extent to which the Resistance is responsible for this is unknown, but people who are equitable know that America has not abided by international law in any of its activities in Iraq, including the Geneva Conventions regarding prisoners and detainees. The Resistance has no secure place in Iraq where prisoners can be kept. So whether the Resistance is at all responsible, or whether the responsibility lies with some other parties that have no connection to the Resistance, the justification for it is that there is no secure place for prisoners to be kept.

Therefore in order to fulfill humanitarian needs and to eliminate the justification [for killing prisoners] I make this proposal to you and to the national Resistance and to anyone concerned, and I make this with the best of intentions. If you accept it and respect the Geneva Conventions then the argument of those who kill rather than detain prisoners will have vanished. But if your government does not accept it, then it will bear the responsibility for refusing and for whatever befalls our people and the heroic Resistance as a result of your government’s violation of international law. This will be particularly true if the number of American prisoners increases in the future, and we think that it will increase. Or is it that your government can’t see anything until it feels it?

Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for your government to look at all people as equals before international law regardless of the size of the countries to which they belong. Whoever violates international law in his policies and the behavior of his army, he alone must bear the consequences for that policy. And if his policies are not in accordance with the letter of international law, he has no right to call others to protect his rights in accordance with that law.

Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, whoever missed his or her chance to take action to try to prevent the war still has a chance to act to end it and bring back peace and freedom to Iraq in accordance with the choice of its people without foreign interference by anyone whoever that may be.

People of America, I address you not from weakness nor as a supplicant. I, my people, my brothers, comrades, and my nation – we address you on the basis of our moral and human responsibility. I tell you that officials whom you know, and first among them your President, lied to you and deceived you and tricked you using the media that portrayed Iraq to you as incorrigible, and Saddam Hussein as a hateful dictator, and that his people hate him and that his people are just waiting for their chance to get at him. Some of them just wallowed in lying falsehood to the point that they openly declared that the Iraqis would meet the invading armies with roses and celebration.

I know that lots of people don’t do a lot of analysis; they don’t have the time or the ability or the desire to do careful assessments when presented with falsified news so as to uncover the truth. The American peoples had no chance to inquire, for example: why, if the people of Iraq hate Saddam Hussein, how he managed to defeat the Iran of Khomeini after eight years in the aggressive war that Iran sought to impose on us under the slogan of exporting the revolution beginning with Iraq? People of America, the victory over Khomeini’s Iran was not due to the short length of the war, but came only after eight years of grinding warfare in which tens of thousands fell and hundreds of thousands on the Iranian side.

Then if Saddam Hussein were a dictator, why did he establish a parliament with elections for the first time in the year 1980 during wartime, when there had been no parliament in Iraq since 1958? If he and his government were dictators, how could he visit schools, universities, towns, and villages and spend the night with the people wherever the sun went down? How could he travel around and lead at the battle front at night and during the day even in the trenches in the front lines on the battlefield among the Muslim soldiers!?

Yes, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, your government deceived you, and you, or rather most of you, had no chance to inquire of themselves or of others in order to discover the truth because the Zionists in the lobby who advocated the war together with some of the centers of power were deceiving you and tricking you, hiding from your eyes the real truth, exchanging the facts for falsified and slanted information. Last but not least in this regard, if Saddam Hussein were a dictator hated and despised by his people, how is it that his people endured him and why was he chosen President by referendum?

People of America, the misfortunes that have afflicted you and afflicted our Arab Nation and within it our heroic Iraqi people – including the breakdown of America’s standing and reputation – were only caused by the reckless behavior of your government and by pressure from Zionism and power centers that influenced the government to commit those crimes and scandalous actions for specific ends that have nothing to do with the interest of the American peoples. The massacres and blood that now flows in the streets and countryside of Iraq in torrents – the responsibility for that falls on America before all others. You know, or rather you have now come to learn, that neither the stooges whom the American forces brought in on board their aircraft or as shamefaced presents aboard their tanks, nor Iran, which pushed and still pushes forward those who support it and whom they support, would be able to cause the bloodshed, or the destruction of the honor, and property of our people and our state had not America undertaken the aggression and invasion and issued the orders. It is still issuing orders in the Green Zone. Therefore America bears the burden of all those crimes and outrages. So, will you put an end to what is going on by using the methods of direct truth without evasion and digression? Or will you invite the machine of death to continue to eat away at the flesh of Iraqis and the flesh of Americans without doing anything to resolve this?

It is your historical responsibility, esteemed ladies and gentlemen. If you reform, you could save what remains of the standing and reputation of America and its legitimate interests. If you do nothing, you will be keeping silent over something evil. “God grant us patient perseverance and let us die as Muslims.” [Qur’an, 7:126]

People of America, the wars that your government promotes in the world – one of them being the war in Iraq – with input from certain centers of power – which you know better than we – are not in the interests of the American people. You know better than many how you paid in blood so that you might liberate yourselves from British colonialism and after that how the United States of America was unified and what rivers of blood were shed in order for that to come about. So, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, how do you accept this interference that abases America before it abases Iraq? How can you accept not only the invasion but becoming mired in the internal affairs of Iraq? You know that Iraq is a land of prophets, messengers, and righteous figures. You know that Baghdad is the fourth holiest city in the Arab homeland – after Mecca, al-Madinah, and Jerusalem – in the sight of all of the Islamic world and all of our Arab Nation. How can one imagine that Iraq could reconcile itself to colonial rule, even if it comes, this time, under another name and with other slogans? Save your country, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, and leave Iraq.


 God is greatest. God is greatest.

 [signed] Saddam Hussein, President of the Republic of Iraq and Commander in Chief of the Mujahid Armed Forces.

Martyred President Saddam Hussein's historic letter to Iran

The 23rd of Muharam, 1411, that corresponds to Aug. 14, 1990 AD.

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate:

The Respected Mr. Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjhani, President of  the Islamic Republic of Iran:

Putting our trust in the Almighty Allah, we are aiming for  the removal of all obstacles in the way of brotherly relations among all  Muslims and those who choose brotherhood among Muslims of our neighbor Iran.

We are aiming for opening the way to serious interaction  among all believers to confront the evil-doers who wish to bring evil onto all  Muslims and the Arab nation, and for pushing Iraq and Iran away from blackmail  and evil tricks of the international powers and their agents in the region.

In accordance with the spirit of the initiative we announced  on Aug. 12, 1990, through which we sought to establish a comprehensive and  lasting peace in the region, we seek to strip those with false apprehensions of  their pretexts and stop them from diverting Iraq's potentials away from the  noble causes of Muslims and Arabs.

In order to remove confusion from our trenches so that those  with good intentions may find the way to normal relations between Iraq and  Iran; and as fruit of our direct dialogue which has continued since our letterto you on April 21, 1990, capped by your Aug. 8, 1990, message to us; and as afinal, clear-cut solution that disarms all those with pretexts, we have decided  the following:

Firstly, we accept your suggestion which came in the answer  message dated Aug. 8, 1990 - which was received by our representative in Geneva  Mr. Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti from your representative Mr. Syros Nasri - to  consider the 1975 agreement as interrelated with the principles stated in our  letter of July 7, 1990, specifically in what concerns the exchange of prisoners  and Articles 6 and 7 of (U.N.) Resolution 598.

Secondly, on the basis of what is mentioned above and the  contents of our message to you on July 7, 1990, we are willing to send an  official delegation to Tehran, or receive an official delegation here in  Baghdad - at the level that has been agreed upon - to work out details of  agreements and prepare for their signing.

Thirdly, as a goodwill gesture our withdrawal will start on  Friday Aug. 17, 1990. We will withdraw all our troops which face you along the  border, leaving a symbolic presence with the border police units to carry out  the routine daily duties of normal circumstances.

Fourthly, an immediate and comprehensive exchange of all  prisoners of war held in Iran and Iraq through the border posts of Khanaqin and  Qasr-E-Shirin and other border points to be agreed upon. We will take the  initiative in this, starting this coming Friday, Aug. 17, 1990.

Brother President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjhani: in this  decision, everything has become clear and everything you have sought and has  been focusing on is realized. What is still lacking is circulating the necessary  documents so we can look forward to a new life of cooperation on the principles  of Islam and respect of each other's rights, so we can deter all those fishing  in dirty waters and cooperate to turn the gulf into a lake of peace, free of  foreign fleets that harbor ill intentions against us.

Allah is Great and thanks be to Him,

Saddam Hussein,
President of the Republic of Iraq,
The 23rd of Muharam, 1411, that corresponds to Aug. 14, 1990  AD.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Nur-e-Huq Ganj-e-Nur (i.e. The Light of The Truth and The Abode of The Light ) -By Hazrat Jan Sharif Maulana (R.A.)

[selected verses]

“Origin of the creation is  the Divine Light,
From That Divine Light everything was created
irrespective of 'Mumin' &  'Kafir'
( Mumin means believer, obedient to God. 
Kafir  means  unbeliever, disobedient to God.)………

The  sinner  is  in want of  Prophet,
The Prophet   is  in  want  of   sinner,
What the Prophet would be doing
Had  there  been  no  sinner ?…..…………

Sow the seed of  Divine Light in a dirty place
The plant grown out of it will be a sacred one. ..

I can not but  praise the sweet  Tune,
Innumerable creatures  are fascinated by Tune (music)…….
The Tune drives the heroes to devote in war
Who dedicate in battles forgetting worldly life.……..
Charmed  by the sweet Tune the
The snake comes out of  its hole
And  surrenders  to imprisoned life.……….
Sweet  Tune is nothing but a Divine Play, 
Origin lies in the Divine Light of  The Truth………….

All your  religious rituals and Divine Books
Can do  no  good  to you
If  you  do  not  have in your heart
The Divine Light of  The Truth.”

Friday, June 13, 2014

HERITAGE, RELIGION & POLITICS - By Martyred President Saddam Hussein

·         All systems that interfere excessively in people’s lives, including their religious creeds and practices, with no objective need for such action, are hated by their people.

·         The good man who serves the people and the nation in the way of virtue is he who responds to the demands of the spirit of the Laws of the Heaven and to the needs of the movements of liberation and revolution on the earth.

·         The essence of all Laws of Heaven lies in two principles: the Unity of God and what this requires in the Relation of Man to Heaven, and Establishment of  Justice on the earth in relation of  Man to Man. 

·         This revolutionary and principled attitude will achieve justice and equality on the earth and ensure a rightly coordinated development of life.  It will also ensure man his freedom to express what he believes in and perform his duties towards God and his rites according to his own religious and sectarian belief.

  - President Saddam Hussein (Peace be upon him)

In viewing and writing history we have to adopt a method which is expressive of our theory and the particularity of our ideology. The many schools and interpretations and great events of history enable every one to pick out what he likes from history to support his own approach. One approach might ignore the value of Islam as a revolution in the life of the Arabs, another one by exaggeration might ignore the role of Arabs in the Islamic message which emerged from their lands and was carried by them.  Revolution can not emerge in a nation that is dead or incapable of moving forward, although, there may be symptoms of decline that appear on the surface at the stage when these revolutions take place.

There is no theory of life that can work for all nations, yet the theories of all nations may form a universal theory of life for the whole world.  However correct our theory proves in practice it will not be fully suitable for all countries.

Recorded facts are not all the ultimate realities even if they were agreed by all historians, because in every stage of history some things remain unrevealed.  When a group of people living on a piece of land freely decide that they form a nation, they will eventually become a nation, because it is their will that determines whether they are a nation or not.  All aspects of life including history are used in reinforcing or weakening this will.

Man makes conceptions which do not as a whole realistically and accurately reflect life as it exists.  After he makes his conceptions he tries to relate it to reality including historical facts.  He tries to adopt some facts to his main conception.

Islam is the soul of the Arab nation.  We neither abolish our past nor copy it. We rather express the inspiration we draw from its spirit in a new formula of development. We are not neutral in this respect. We are on the side of Faith. In making this assertion we do not present ourselves as substitute for any religion or religious practice. Rather, we put forward a theory of action and principles of life with a view to developing society and establishing justice in it. The spirit of Islam and its message is the source of inspiration for our theory of life and action. It is a mistake to look at our pre-Islamic history as if it were meaningless and shameful. Equally it is a mistake to analyze our history on a class struggle basis.

Backward and retrogressive elements suggest that Arab nation was in such a state of decadence and injustice that Almighty God chose it for the message of Islam in order to reform it.  Arabs were chosen to bear the message of Islam not because they were bad but because they were capable of leading humanity as a whole in changing its aspect.

The enemies of Arabs concentrate on the idea that the Arab mind is not versatile – that it can not calculate complex matters.  They accuse the Arab mind of being narrow and limited, failing to measure alternative possibilities in an integrated manner. Whereas Arab civilization provide undeniable evidence that the Arabs finely calculated possibilities and probabilities in all aspects of life and science at a time when other nations were living in a state of darkness and backwardness.

Historical documents used at a popular level should enhance our position with a view to consolidating our struggle, steadfastness and our nation’s capability of progress.  The door has to be kept open for further progress and new interpretations within the general principles of analyzing our history and other phenomenon.  Marxist response to this in a unbalanced manner by saying that the development of nations, their rise, failure and progress depends on the materialistic interpretation of history. They omit all spiritual and moral considerations, and ignore their effect on the life of nations.  Religion and the past with all its factors, traditions and rules of life are essential elements of our society affecting our traditions and morality.  Nobility, honor, truth and many other values of life existed before Islam, but they later changed according to the change in society.  I would like to assert that our party does not take a neutral stand between Faith and heresy, it is always on the side of Faith. However, it is not a religious party.

Ambiguity and unsteadiness should not be our means of winning over the majority. We do not want to win them for limited periods or for transitory matters or to overcome a temporary impasse. We do not want to use them as a means of achieving temporary or transitional aims, and to abandon them afterwards as the rightist and some exploiting classes would do in their relations with the masses.

The genuine and radical treatment of the people’s problems and basic social and economic conditions certainly requires the avoidance of generalization and calls for the specification of aims and methods of treatment. We reject the view that calls for the abandonment of religion – that is heresy.  This attitude is losing one by all considerations. We categorically reject any wavering between right and left or between one view and its opposite, because this is the method of weak, dishonest and unprincipled people.  There must be certain concepts and practices which may conform with our principles. While we reject heresy we must not act as religious figures. To adopt a policy of interference in religious affairs would inevitably lead to divisions among our people.  You must avoid detailed interference in the life of the people. If you interfere in the particularities of the people they will hate and shun you.

All systems that interfere excessively in people’s lives, including their religious creeds and practices, with no objective need for such action, are hated by their people. This is one of the aspects of the crises affecting many leaders and governments throughout the world.  Through such treatment the citizens will become like card-horses with closed ears and blinkered eyes. We categorically reject this attitude and we do not want to apply it to our people.  Unnatural behavior would provoke even those who have no interest in clashing with you.  When we are natural, principled, realistic and revolutionary we can win over the widest sections of the masses.  Only a minority may remain opposed  to us in certain known areas and activities.

We have to adopt persuasion as a basic instrument in our relation with society.  We have also to maintain our clear and principled policy.  We have also to maintain balance and avoid any detailed interference or unaccepted involvement.

The good man who serves the people and the nation in the way of virtue is he who responds to the demands of the spirit of the Laws of the Heaven and to the needs of the movements of liberation and revolution on the earth.  Almighty God considers Faith and Good Deeds as central issue in the essence of all His religions.

Man can do a lot of things if he opts to serve the people and trust in its right to developed life free from injustice and exploitation.  The Laws of Heaven are not only based on relation of man to God and on Belief in the Unity of God and in what this requires, but also on the understanding of man’s role on the earth.

The essence of all Laws of Heaven lies in two principles: the Unity of God and what this requires in the Relation of Man to Heaven, and Establishment of  Justice on the earth in relation of  Man to Man.  Christianity and Islam came after Judaism. Each religion was naturally born of the one that preceded it though the rules of each new religion were not entirely the same as those of its predecessor.  As for Prophet Muhammad (SM) being the Last of all Prophets and Messengers,  Islam being the Last of the Heavenly Religions – this means that the Laws and Rules of Heaven, man’s duties towards them, and his relation to God have essentially met the requirements of what God favors in man’s relation and duties towards Him.

When man grows he has to observe and respect the essence and spirit of what is demanded by Heaven in relations between men in life in general, within the overall context of establishing justice on the earth.  What the essence of Heaven’s rules demands is the establishment of justice and equality between people and the placing of human effort at the disposal of the continuous progress of life.  This revolutionary and principled attitude will achieve justice and equality on the earth and ensure a rightly coordinated development of life.  It will also ensure man his freedom to express what he believes in and perform his duties towards God and his rites according to his own religious and sectarian belief.

We thus save our people from dilemma of continuous fragmentation and bitter fanatical conflict induced by the diversity of religions, sects, schools, groups and interpretations.  The will of man in carrying and clarifying the Laws of Heaven has been essential ever since religions began.  The observance of the laws of development and its bearing on human mentality have been a fundamental consideration of the Laws of Heaven, whether in the  succession, gradation and development of religions or in the sequence of rules within a single religion.

In viewing and writing history one adopts a method which is expressive of one’s world view. The many schools and interpretations and great events of history enable every one to pick out what one likes from history to support one’s own approach. One approach might ignore the value of some realities, another one might exaggerate some issues while  ignore other realities. Recorded facts are not all the ultimate realities even if they were agreed by all historians, because in every stage of history some things remain unrevealed.  When a group of people living on a piece of land freely decide that they form a nation, they will eventually become a nation, because it is their will that determines whether they are a nation or not.  All aspects of life including history are used in reinforcing or weakening this will.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)'s Letter to King Najjashi of Abyssinia (Negus, King of Ethiopia) and King Najjashi's Reply

"In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
From Muhammad the Messenger of Allâh to Negus, king of Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Peace be upon him who follows true guidance. Salutations, I entertain Allâh’s praise, there is no god but He, the Sovereign, the Holy, the Source of peace, the Giver of peace, the Guardian of faith, the Preserver of safety. I bear witness that Jesus, the son of Mary, is the spirit of Allâh and His Word which He cast into Mary, the virgin, the good, the pure, so that she conceived Jesus. Allâh created him from His spirit and His breathing as He created Adam by His Hand. I call you to Allâh Alone with no associate and to His obedience and to follow me and to believe in that which came to me, for I am the Messenger of Allâh. I invite you and your men to Allâh, the Glorious, the All-Mighty. I hereby bear witness that I have communicated my message and advice. I invite you to listen and accept my advice. Peace be upon him
who follows true guidance."[Za'd Al-Ma'ad 3/60]

The text of this letter is doubtlessly authentic, but to maintain that it was written after Al- Hudaibiyah event is still a question lacking in definite evidence. When ‘Amr bin Omaiyah Ad-Damari communicated the Apostolic letter to Negus, the latter took the parchment and placed it on his eye, descended to the floor, confessed his faith in Islam and wrote the following reply to the Prophet [pbuh]:

"In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
From Negus Ashama to Muhammad, the Messenger of Allâh. Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allâh! and mercy and blessing from Allâh beside Whom there is no god. I have received your letter in which you have mentioned about Jesus and by the Lord of heaven and earth, Jesus is not more than what you say. We fully acknowledge that with which you have been sent to us and we have entertained your cousin and his companions. I bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allâh, true and confirming (those who have gone before you), I pledge to you through your cousin and surrender myself through him to the Lord of the worlds."[Za'd Al-Ma'ad 3/61]

The Prophet [pbuh] had asked Negus to send Ja‘far and his companions, the emigrants to Abyssinia (Ethiopia), back home. They came back to see the Prophet [pbuh] in Khaibar. Negus later died in Rajab 9 A.H. shortly after Tabuk Ghazwa. The Prophet [pbuh] announced his death and observed prayer in absentia for him. Another king succeeded Negus to the throne and another letter was sent to him by the Prophet [pbuh] but whether or not he embraced Islam is still a question not answered yet. [Sahih Muslim 2/99]

And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.
Moulana Qamruz Zaman
London, UK

Friday, May 16, 2014

Jewish World Review April 21, 2014. Passover: Offering sight to the blind -By Rabbi Yonason Goldson

But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay My hand upon Egypt; and I shall take out My legions ... with great judgments.

The Exodus narrative contains one of the greatest philosophical conundrums in theology: How could the Almighty harden Pharaoh's heart -- seemingly take away the ruler's free will -- and then hold him accountable for his actions?

The question contains its own answer in the form of another question: by what rationale did Pharaoh defy the clearly supernatural power that transformed his country, the greatest empire in the world, into a wasteland? Indeed, how could any ruler, no matter how wicked, no matter how obsessed with power, allow his nation and his people to be systematically beaten into ruin? The answer is obvious: He couldn't. At least not indefinitely.

And so it was with Pharaoh. Throughout the first five plagues, through blood, frogs, lice, wild beasts, and pestilence, Pharaoh hardened his own heart, steeling himself against the mounting evidence of divine intervention, rationalizing to himself that no single power could truly direct the forces of nature against him.

But finally even Pharaoh's stubbornness reached its breaking point. Boils and fiery hail and locust swarms and palpable darkness proved too much for even Pharaoh's reckless disregard for inescapable reality. Faced with such miracles, such open revelation of divine providence, even Pharaoh's resistance had to buckle.

And so, not to remove but to preserve Pharaoh's free will, providence interceded to harden his heart, to restore a balance of subjectivity before otherwise irrefutable miracles, thereby allowing Pharaoh to choose whether to take heed of all that was happening around him or to continue ignoring and denying the obvious. And as he had hardened his own heart, as he had made himself callous and insensitive to the clearest messages of the divine will, so did he persist in his insensitivity, right up to the moment of his own destruction.

History has proven nothing if not that history repeats itself. And so we find that, upon entering the season of miracles and of our own redemption from the hands of a despotic ruler, we have witnessed the death throws of a modern-day despot, a contemporary tyrant too stubborn to recognize the hopelessness of his plight, too arrogant to concede the inevitability of his fate, too wicked to turn back from the abyss rather than take many thousands of his own people with him to oblivion.
How could he not have seen the writing on the wall? Perhaps here too the hand of Providence intervened, hardening the heart of the dictator who made a career of hardening his own heart. Is there not in the events of today the unmistakable echo of this same season in times long past? Yet Iraq's modern-day Pharaoh is not the only one who could not see, whose heart resisted reason. Onlookers throughout the world rose to his defense and cried out in the name of an impossible peace. Just imagine if we were enslaved by Pharaoh today what these voices would have been saying: Innocent Egyptians are dying in the plagues. Let's negotiate with Pharaoh, and give him more time to grant concessions. By what right do we dare rise up and assert ourselves against the status quo?

In fact, the Talmud records that four out of five Jews chose to remain in Egypt, forgetful of the slavery and oppression that had gone before, naively hopeful that a reformed Pharaoh would deal with them more kindly than he had for generations. Abdicating their part in the divine mission of their people, they remained in Egypt. And so they were buried there, victims of their own folly, martyring themselves for future generations to learn from the blind, irrational hope that led them down the path of self destruction.

As the earth wakes from its wintry slumber, the season of Passover offers us the same opportunity for renewal that it offered our ancestors more tha 3,300 years ago. And as the days grow longer and brighter, as we wipe the torpor of winter from our eyes, we have a chance to look at the world anew, to see with unclouded vision, to think with unfuzzied minds, to crack the layer of frost that has hardened around our hearts. Now is our greatest opportunity to approach life with an eagerness and an enthusiasm that will take us forward into the future, and also back to reconnect with the past, to free ourselves from the slavery of cultural myopia and recognize the daily miracles of our lives and recall the higher purpose that defines us as a people.
JWR contributor Rabbi Yonason Goldson teaches at Block Yeshiva High School in St. Louis. He is the author of books on Judais philosophical themes.