Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bashar Al-Asad as well as the "Takfiris" in the FSA and amongst other fighters in Syria who have no respect for the lives and blood of unarmed civilians must be disarmed

What began with largely peaceful protests against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in March 2011 has developed into a full-scale civil war.

Assad's regime like the Saudi & GCC Dynasties violently crushes any opposition to family's stranglehold on power.

Assad's forces and Anti-Assad groups are engaged in violent battles across the country.

The ongoing conflict has devastated Syria. The United Nations estimates that as many as 100,000 people have died so far in the conflict. Some 7 million people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance and over 1.9 million refugees have fled the violence to neighboring countries, North Africa and Europe.

Bashar Al-Asad as well as the "Takfiris" in the FSA and amongst other fighters in Syria who have no respect for the lives and blood of unarmed civilians must be disarmed.

We have trust in Hezbollah led by Seyed Hasan Nasrullah who should take the lead and take the lead to bring together wise men of the sincere believers amongst the Peoples of the Books to search and implement solution of the current Syrian conflict.

Hezbollah led by Seyed Hasan Nasrullah is the only sensible force on the ground, should be helped by the world (including USA, Russia, Turkey, Israel and Iran) to establish a sensible political authority in Syria.

We must not forget that Lebanon and Syria are same country divided by Sykes–Picot Anglo-French conspiracy.